Currently, USPS Shipping times are proving to be slower than expected in some cases. While we do our very best to ship your package within a day of receiving your order, we cannot guarantee that our carriers will deliver your package within the time frames that they advertise. We aplogize for any inconvenience a delayed package may cause you.
All of our items are shipped using standard shipping. For most items, you can expect to recive them in the mail 2-5 business days after placing your order. Please allow longer for cellos as they may require more time to be safely prepared and packaged for shipping.
If you need an item shipped 2 day or next day, please call us at 512-284-8879 to place your order by phone. We are more than happy to accomodate your shipping needs!
If you need to ship an instrument or bow to us for return or repair, please call us for instructions on how to safely package your items.